wellness, motherhood Megan Stoltzfus wellness, motherhood Megan Stoltzfus


When I think about all that I shed in 2020: expectations, facades, jobs, stories that held me under water for years... there was no other answer for me than to approach 2021 with all the freedom in the world on my heart.

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Make it sacred.
wellness, motherhood Megan Stoltzfus wellness, motherhood Megan Stoltzfus

Make it sacred.

I’ve cancelled the story that “I’m not a morning person”, and have taken back ownership of how I want to live my life. I no longer let the negative energy surrounding how I used to feel about mornings own my days.

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wellness, motherhood Megan Stoltzfus wellness, motherhood Megan Stoltzfus


For the first time in my life I have an appreciation for everything I have been through, the journey that led me here - exactly where I am meant to be, and WHO I am meant to be.

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